
Film project: Halloween

A film project of the 4th class English group.

After reading a criminal story and watching an original black-and-white Sherlock Holmes movie, produced in the 1950s, our English group had the idea to produce a movie ourselves.

First, we decided what kind of movie we wanted to make and gathered ideas.

We wanted to make sure to grab people’s attention from the start and we all together wrote the script for our creepy horror story. After filming the scenes, we used the app „iMovie“ to cut the clips, add film music and effects and to change the colour into black-and-white.

The setting takes place at a Middle School. All the kids, except the twins Allison and Alice who are late, are waiting for their Maths teacher Mr. Norman. Then strange things start to happen. Mr. Norman’s name is written with red chalk on the board, the sponge is full of blood and after the class representative Will, who says that he wants to ask where the teacher is, doesn’t come back and the kids hear a shoot and a scream, they really get frightened and want to find out what’s going on.

Scary things happen in the school cellar. Is it true – or is it just a nightmare?

Watch our movie and find out yourself!
